Acupuncture is a medicinal therapy wherein needles are inserted to provide pain relief and other benefits. Dr. Barrack is a veterinarian with a certificate in Chinese herbology and acupuncture. Drawing from both these disciplines, she has treated a variety of animals ranging from cats and dogs to horses and wild animals as well. Her methods are painless and applicable to a wide range of animal ailments.
What Is Acupuncture And Chinese Herbal Therapy For Animals?
Acupuncture is a traditional Chinese medicinal practice that involves inserting very thin needles through one’s skin at strategic points of the body. It is most commonly employed for treating pain but is increasingly being included in overall wellness care and stress management.
Acupuncture for animals is a way to provide relief for pain, stimulate the immune and nervous systems, regulate the Gastro-Intestinal and circulatory systems, decrease fever, and address musculoskeletal and neurological disorders.
Chinese herbal therapy is a non-invasive method to lengthen the life of acupuncture treatments and enhance their results. The herbs are available as pills and powders, which animals can consume and digest without difficulty.
Who Is Dr. Rachel Barrack?
Dr. Rachel Barrack is a certified veterinary acupuncturist, Chinese herbalist, and a doctor of veterinary medicine. Dr. Barrack earned a degree in veterinary medicine from the Ross University School of Veterinary Medicine. After that, she studied Traditional Chinese Medicine under the animal care pioneer Dr. Huisheng Xie of the Chi Institute. She received her certifications in veterinary acupuncture and Chinese herbology at the same. Though she has been extensively educated in both western and traditional medication, her acupuncture techniques are based on and rooted in her Chinese healing arts education.
She has wide-ranging experience working with small animals to animals housed in wildlife conservation centers. At her most recent workplace, Belmont and Aqueduct Racetracks, she worked in private practice as well as a regulatory veterinarian and racing official.
She has been awarded numerous times from Auburn University and the American College of Veterinary Surgeons and has been nominated twice for clinical proficiency and excellence in large animal medicine and surgery. Further, she has worked in various leadership roles at Auburn University, the Ross University of Veterinary Medicine, and the Cooperative for Real Education in Agricultural Management (CREAM).
What Services Does Dr. Barrack Provide?
Dr. Barrack provides a range of services for various animals with differing needs.
For customer and animal convenience, she provides intensive, on-site care to cats, dogs, and horses in New York City and its suburbs. All that she needs for diagnosis and treatment can be transported with ease from her mobile office to any home or barn in the area.
Dr.Barrack also provides acupuncture and Chinese herbal remedy services to pets and small animals. To ensure that the animal suffers no discomfort, these services can be administered at your home too.
In addition to that, Dr. Barrack also provides equine services. Equine athletes generally need specialized levels of medical care to attain their peak performance. Dr. Barrack has worked with champion Thoroughbred racehorses in the past and uses this experience to diagnose your horse and select the best treatment method. Thanks to her broad education, she is able to integrate eastern practices, such as herbal medicine and acupuncture, with western medical processes, like intra-articular injections. Further, she has been trained in surgery and, if necessary, using local anesthetics can perform minor procedures on-site.
Treatment Specifics: Acupuncture And Herbal Medicines
As stated on Dr. Barrack’s websit, acupuncture is mostly performed along 14 major channels that form a network within the body. It can treat several illnesses in dogs, cats, and horses, from muscle soreness to neoplasia. Typically, the doctor uses aqua-acupuncture, moxibustion, or electrical acupuncture. While some animals may experience minor discomfort when the needles are inserted, overall, acupuncture treatment does not hurt. Treatment durations vary according to need, but most treatments are gradually spaced out as the animal demonstrates improvement.
Along with acupuncture, herbal medicines are used to improve and lengthen its benefits. They are available as capsules, powders and tablets. To ensure the best results and maintain quality and sustainability, Dr. Barrack ensures that none of the prescribed herbs contain any animal by-products, endangered species of plants, or heavy metals.