Profit With A Purpose — When Innovation And Sustainability Are Combined To Produce Solutions

We spend a considerable amount of our time indoors without treating the high levels of indoor air pollution. Airthings is a company that produces products for measuring and regulating indoor air to ensure optimum quality. Future companies would need to deliver the best quality products while maintaining sustainability, and Airthings demonstrates one way to achieve the same.

Indoor pollutants range from combustion by-products like carbon monoxide to ozone from air cleaners. According to USA’s Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), concentrations of some pollutants in indoor air are 2 to 5 times greater than usual outdoor levels (EPA). Further, the Global Burden of Disease attributed 2.31 million deaths to indoor pollution (Ritchie & Roser, 2013).

Levels Of Indoor Pollution And The Airthings Solution

Started in 2008 to make radon testing more accessible to customers, Airthings has expanded to produce a range of products aimed at improving indoor air quality. Airthings’ products combine air quality improvement with energy efficiency and cater to households, offices, and schools.

Airthings is headed by a team of experienced engineers, developers, CERN (European Organization for Nuclear Research) scientists, and visionaries, all working to achieve the goal of improved air quality. Airthings focuses on raising awareness about indoor air contaminants and developing accessible, sustainable technological solutions.

Ways By Which Airthings Achieves And Promotes Sustainability

Sustainability is not merely a catchword at Airthings. The company participates in the UN Global compact Compact and contributes to reducing carbon footprints. So far, Airthings has helped its consumers reduce 2242 tons of Carbon Dioxide Equivalents (similar to removing 547 cars from the roads).

Airthings aims to achieve sustainable development by contributing to the construction of buildings that reduce energy consumption and CO2 emission. By using optimized heating, air conditioning, and ventilation, around 10% of energy consumption can be saved. A further 15% of energy consumption can be saved by simply aligning outdoor and indoor pressure.

The Airthings’ commitment to sustainability is reflected in their product range. The Airthings CO2 Alert, as the name suggests, tells anyone in the room when the air is unhealthy and allows them to take control of the air they are breathing. The Airthings Balance for Business helps reduce CO2 emissions and costs by helping you to regulate the air pressure for optimizing airflow according to occupancy. Using it, you can reduce energy costs without compromising on comfort.

For households, Airthings provides a complete House Kit to care for all your air quality needs. The Kit includes Wave Radon (wireless, battery-operated radon detector), Wave Mini (monitors temperature, mold risk, humidity, and airborne chemicals), and the Airthings Hub (provides access to all Airthings monitors at any time, from anywhere). The Live Data provided by the system allows you to set alerts, give voice commands, receive measurements of air quality, connect to smart plugs or control your thermostat, humidifier, or air purifier. The Airthings products work with Alexa, Google Assistant, and IFTTT. Further, if you don’t want the complete Kit, you can also buy all included products individually.

How Airthings Demonstrates Its Future Commitments To Sustainability

In addition to manufacturing products that reduce the use of energy, Airthings demonstrates its commitment to sustainability by trying to ensure that all its operations are sustainable. To make sustainable operation a reality, Airthings is engaged in a continuous process of consistently assessing its value chain. This allows them to identify and change unsustainable practices. Though they are not 100% sustainable yet, the future company goals reflect this aim: they look forward to finding answers to sustainability questions like ensuring human rights in the supply chain, closing the loop of their linear model, and mitigating the environmental impact (especially carbon dioxide emissions) through their supply chain.

To monitor, set, and improve their sustainability commitments, Airthings conducts annual workshops. This year, the workshop identified three focus areas (planet, people, and business ecosystem), 11 sustainability priorities, 50 measurable goals, and 277 proposed solutions. Further, Airthings also produces annual Sustainability reports to track progress, identify achieved goals, and state potential aims.

Future and upcoming companies would have to deal with an environment of rapidly changing yet growing consumer needs alongside increasing environmental problems that drive the need for sustainable production. Combining scientific knowledge, technological innovation, business acumen, and climate-friendly aims the way Airthings has done would be the way to grow.