Veganism And Vegetarianism Beyond Diet — How Companies Like Lush Focus On Using Animal-safe Products And Avoiding Animal Testing

In recent years, an increasing number of people have adopted veganism (not consuming dairy, meat, and other animal-related products) and vegetarianism (refraining from meat consumption). The scaling popularity of veganism and vegetarianism is due to various reasons, ranging from desires to live more healthily to reducing global warming. Still, the most prominent is decreasing (or hopefully eliminating) the harm humans cause to animals. Veganism and vegetarianism have expanded from simple dietary practices to question animal misuse and treatment in clothing, cosmetics, livestock, and other industries.

To eliminate animal cruelty, cosmetic companies like Lush have created an exciting array of animal-safe products. Not only does Lush manufacture its products without harming any animals, but it also ensures that the same is true for the entire production process. To this end, Lush has eliminated intermediaries and deals directly with farmers to prevent ingredient adulteration. It does not use any products that would be unsuitable for vegetarian consumers.

What is the need for advocating animal safety in cosmetics and skincare products? According to The Humane Society (which Lush partnered with to lobby governments to stop animal testing in cosmetics worldwide), numerous, often painful tests (some of which lead to the animal’s death) are conducted on animals to test for product safety. However, these are not necessary, and there are various alternative ways of testing cosmetic products. Despite this, nearly 88% of top beauty companies continue to engage in animal testing of their products.

For the past three decades, Lush has consistently condemned and refrained from animal testing. At Lush, ensuring animal-safe production and preventing animal harm is a core value. Lush does not deal with organizations that practice animal testing or have plans to do so in the future. A hundred percent of Lush products are cruelty-free.

Avoiding animal testing of cosmetic products is not just a fancy agenda but a practical way of working. Lush encourages fellow cosmetic companies to abandon animal testing, highlighting that 20,000 products used in cosmetics have already been deemed safe for human use. For the rest of the products, there are various technologies to choose from: 3D models of human skin can be used for skin irritation tests, and cell cultures can test sunlight-induced phototoxicity, genetic mutations, etc.

New technologies and ventures are needed to spread the animal protection goal further. To increase awareness and provide incentives, Lush started The Lush Prize. Every two years, Lush awards prizes for Sciences to Scientists, Lobbyists, Trainers, and Young Researchers to help them continue developing and creating animal-free technologies and initiatives. Worth 250,000 euros, Lush has awarded more than around 2,190,000 to 110 winners from 28 different countries across the globe.

Apart from awards, Lush is also involved in various charity activities. By transferring a hundred percent of the purchase price of its Charity Pot Body Lotion to grass-root groups involved in animal protection, human rights, and environmental justice, Lush has combined business success with ideology and allowed its consumers to themselves be a part of contributing in making the world a better place. By buying a Charity Pot Body Lotion, anyone can become a helper to a broader cause.

Lush has proven that animal-safe cosmetics can be a reality without compromising product quality, range, diversification, or price. In 2016, it manufactured 41 million products, including bath and shower commodities, skincare products, make-up items, and perfumes. Not only are all products consumer appreciated (Lush engages in virtually no external promotion and relies on popularising by consumers), but 95 percent are entirely vegan. The five percent that uses animal products like honey are procured only from trusted suppliers who humanely treat animals to uphold the 100% cruelty-free goal.

In the present market, consumers not only look for quality and affordability but also prefer companies that have a bigger goal than simple profit maximization. As the awareness about climate change grows and more segments of the population become sensitive towards the prevention of animal cruelty, sustainable and animal-friendly brands will undoubtedly grow. Companies like Lush that combined quality assurance with animal safety are all set to witness a surge in their consumer base.